
License list functionality, primarily provided by org.spdx.library.model.license.ListedLicenses.


(deprecated-id? id)

Is id deprecated? Also returns false if id is not in the SPDX license list.

See this SPDX FAQ item for details on what this means.


(fsf-libre-id? id)

Is id FSF Libre? Also returns false if id is not in the SPDX license list.

See this reference for details about what ‘FSF Libre’ means.


(fsf-libre-ids)(fsf-libre-ids ids)

Returns the set of SPDX license ids that identify FSF Libre licenses within the provided set of SPDX license ids (or all of them, if ids is not provided).

See this reference for details about what ‘FSF Libre’ means.


(id->info id)(id->info id {:keys [include-large-text-values?], :or {include-large-text-values? false}, :as opts})

Returns SPDX license list information for id as a map, or nil if id is not a valid SPDX license id.

opts are:

  • :include-large-text-values? (default false) - controls whether the following large text values are included in the result: :comment :text :text-html :text-template :header :header-html :header-template



The set of all license ids.



Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Note: this method may have a substantial performance cost.


(license-ref? id)

Is id a LicenseRef?


(listed-id? id)

Is id one of the listed SPDX license identifiers?


(non-deprecated-ids)(non-deprecated-ids ids)

Returns the set of license ids that identify current (non-deprecated) licenses within the provided set of SPDX license ids (or all of them, if ids is not provided).


(osi-approved-id? id)

Is id OSI Approved? Also returns false if id is not in the SPDX license list.

See this reference for details about what ‘OSI Approved’ means.


(osi-approved-ids)(osi-approved-ids ids)

Returns the set of SPDX license ids that identify OSI Approved licenses within the provided set of SPDX license ids (or all of them, if ids is not provided).

See this reference for details about what ‘OSI Approved’ means.



The version of the license list (a String in major.minor format).

Note: identical to spdx.exceptions/version.